
Alert is a specially highlighted color block of text with a warning message and icon.

Alert types

This parameter allows you to configure the type of alert: success, warning, danger, information.

Alert “Primary”.
Alert “Secondary”.
Alert “Success”.
Alert “Warning”.
Alert “Danger”.
Alert “Information”.

Alerts with icons

It is possible to select any icon for the alert from the icon library.

Alert “Primary”.
Alert “Secondary”.
Alert “Success”.
Alert “Warning”.
Alert “Danger”.
Alert “Information”.

You can adjust the size of the icon, alignment and indent from the text.

Alert with huge icon.
Alert with an icon located on top.
There may be a long text in several lines, the icon will be located on top.
Alert with an icon located in the center.
There may be a long text in several lines, the icon will be located in the center.

Close button

It is possible to add a close button for alerts.

Alert with close button.